Giselle Belongs to Wildside At Four HorseMen

Poze si video cu puii disponibili la momentul actual, precum si cu parintii acestora puteti vizualiza accesand siteul canisei (click pe linkul de mai jos):

For pictures and videos of the available bull terrier puppies and their parents feel free to visit our website: 

Contact:  Tel: 004-0744-775263.

Giselle Belongs to Wildside At Four HorseMen

Tatal / Father:
RJCh. Kato del Dolcezza dei Movimenti  

Mama / Mother:
RJCh. Siska From Black and White Gipsys At Four HorseMen

Giselle Belongs to Wildside at Four HorseMen
Data nasterii / Date of birth:

16 luni / 16 months old

Mai multe informatii despre Terra pe pagina ei de pe site-ul canisei:
More informations about Terra you can find on her page on our website:

Quality Bull Terrier puppies available at the Four HorseMen Kennel for responsible owners. Great bloodlines in the pedigree.

For pictures and videos of the puppies and their parents feel free to visit us at: 
Contact:  Tel: 004-0744-775263.